There are two ways administrators can remove inactive clients from their Thirtyseven4 EPS Consoles.
Method 1:
To manually remove clients from your Thirtyseven4 EPS Console please follow these steps:
1. Open your Thirtyseven4 EPS Console.
2. Click on Clients. This will open the Client Status tab.
3. Locate a machine entry that is no longer active on your network and highlight it.
4. Scroll down and beside the Client Status button there will be a Remove Client button.
* The client must be Offline to be removed from the client list.
Method 2:
To automatically remove clients from your Thirtyseven4 EPS Console follow these steps:
1. Open your Thirtyseven4 EPS Console.
2. Click on Admin Settings > Clients > Inactive Client.
3. This tab allows you to set an automatic removal of clients who have not connect to the console in a certain number of days.
4. Select the interval and press Apply.
*On versions 6.3 and above, clients will automatically be reconnected to their appropriate group if they become active after being removed.