The admnlink.dat file issue results when the Update Manager is manually initiated while the console is already pulling update files. 

*It is recommended that you let Thirtyseven4 update on its own after installation. The process may take a little time as it downloads all the updates.


To resolve follow these steps:

1. Go to a system that has Thirtyseven4 installed correctly. Copy the admnlnk.dat file from this good client system C:\Program Files\Thirtyseven4\Thirtyseven4.

2. Once you have the admnlink.dat file copied. Go to the client that has this error and open Thirtyseven4. Go to Settings > Self Protection and turn it OFF. 

3. Once Off, you can now copy the saved admnlink.dat file and place it in the C:\Program Files\Thirtyseven4\ Thirtyseven4 directory. 

4.Once copied in there, you should be able to right-click the Thirtyseven4 system tray icon and select Update Now. You can turn Self Protection back ON.