The list below, if completed, usually resolves the client not installing issue 99.5% of the time. (if you follow #6 it should tell you why the install is not happening, but please verify ALL of the steps.)
- Can you ping the system you are trying to install Thirtyseven4 on from the machine hosting your Admin Console and vice versa? This verifies proper communication
- Make sure you have adequate licenses. From EPS Console web page go to Home>View License.
- Make sure the following services are Started and their Startup Type is 'Automatic' on the machine hosting the Admin Console itself and the target Client, 'Windows Installer' and 'Computer Browser'. To open services, click Start > Run > type "services.msc"
- On the machine hosting the EPS Console, Stop and Start the Agent Server X.x and Client Agent X.x service. To open services, click Start > Run > type "services.msc". If you are running EPS Console version 7.4 or above you will need to disable Self Protection on the Thirtyseven4 Client. Right click on the t icon in the system tray> Open Thirtyseven4 EPS> Click on Settings> Enter Client password> Turn off Self Protection
- Please make sure no other security solutions are installed, including programs such as Malwarebytes, Kaspersky, Security Essentials, etc.
- Does the system show up in Clients>Client Status on the Admin Console webpage. If so, click on that system to highlight it, click the 'View Status' button and let us know what the 'Installer Log' says next to Product Name
- Try turning off the Windows Firewall on the Client side
- If all the above has been done / verified, try rebooting your server that has the Endpoint Security Console on it.
- If that doesn't work, on the local client you are trying to install to, go to C:/Program Files/Thirtyseven4/Client Agent X.x/eventlog and email us this directory ( It will help us determine the cause.
**If any issues persist past these steps, please contact our Support Team.