***Prior to installing Thirtyseven4, please make sure all other Antivirus programs are uninstalled***
How to Uninstall a Program on a Windows Computer
Please follow these steps to install Thirtyseven4 Total Security.
1. Click on the following link to download the appropriate version of Thirtyseven4.
2. Select the appropriate version at the bottom of the page and click download.
You can refer to the following article for determining the bit type of a Windows Computer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/827218/how-to-determine-whether-a-computer-is-running-a-32-bit-version-or-64
If you are using a Mac, download the Mac Total Security installer.
By default, the installer will be within your "Downloads" folder once finished.
3. Once the File has downloaded ( 374AV64, 374AV32, or Thirtyseven4 Total Secuirty.dmg), please double-click on the file to begin the installation.
Select Run.
4. Follow the prompts in the installation wizard until you are prompted to Register Thirtyseven4.
5. Input your Product Key and allow the activation to complete.
You have now successfully installed Thirtyseven4 Total Security!