To create a Mac Thirtyseven4 Client package, follow these steps:

Open Client Packager on your Thirtyseven4 EPS Console server following the listed path:

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Thirtyseven4 EPS Console 6.4 > Client Packager

2. In Client Agent deployment list, select Inside network.

3. In OS Platform list, select Mac.

4. Specify whether you want to include antivirus in Client Packager by selecting Yes or No from Antivirus setup included list.

Select Yes if you want to include the antivirus setup in the Client Packager. However, you cannot distribute this installer through email.

Select No if you do not want to include the antivirus setup in the Client Packager. This installer can be distributed through email.

5. Download the Mac Client build from the following URL:

After downloading, extract it and copy the 4 files to: 

"C:/Programfiles(x86)/Thirtyseven4\Endpoint Security 6.4\Admin\web\build"

6. Click Create

If you selected Yes to include the antivirus in the Client Packager, a MCCLAGAV.TAR file is created in the acmac folder.

If you selected No to exclude the antivirus from the Client Packager, a MCCLAGNT.TAR file is created in the acmac folder.

7. On the Mac endpoint you need to copy and extract any of the above created TAR files and run the MCLAGNT.DMG file from the extracted folder to install the Mac Thirtyseven4 Client.

When the administrator downloads MCCLAGNT.TAR from the link provided in the message for ' Notify Install', the setup will be downloaded from the acmac folder of the EPS server.