The Endpoint Console 5.0 has a sharp appearance that makes it easy to visually understand the network’s health. The first screen after logging into the Console is the Home page.


Thirtyseven4 Endpoint Console 5.0 Home Page.


  Network Health. This bar shows the network health for the past 7 days. In this instance the threat level is green (normal). The date range can be adjusted where it says “View for:” 

Deployment Status. Displays how many clients have been deployed and how many clients are unprotected on the network. To see which clients are unprotected click where it says “Click here for list.”

Client Status. Taking the total number of deployed clients, this feature breaks down what clients are online and which ones are offline. Clients that are “disconnected” from the network have not connected to the Console for a certain amount of time (this timeframe can be managed under Settings – more details later).

Update Status. In addition to the deployment and client status, the update status tells the number of clients that have their signature files up-to-date.

The last section to note on the Home page is the following:

Clicking on the “Update Manager” link shows three different subsections:

1. Update Manager Status

2. Update Manager Settings

3. Alternate Update Managers.

To change between sections simply click on the tab.

1. Update Manager Status


Under the Update Manager Status, the “Computer Name” is the server that has the Endpoint Console along with its IP Address and Online/Offline status.

In this case both 32- and 64-Bit products are installed.

2. Update Manager Settings

The Update Manager Settings allow you to manage how updates are handled. For convenience Automatic Updates are recommended.

3. Alternate Update Managers

As explained on the Alternate Update Managers tab, multiple update managers can be created in cases where clients are dispersed over a wide network – this can save on downloading time.

Back to the Home page, clicking on “View License” displays the following: