To install and register Thirtyseven4 Mobile Security on the Android phone, please perform the following steps:

1.If you have downloaded the installer file from our website directly on to your Android phone, then tap installer (.apk) file to continue with installation. If you have downloaded the installer file on your PC then copied the installer file on to the Android phone. From the phone tap installer (.apk) file to continue with installation.

2.You will get a screen that will ask your consent to proceed with installation. Tap on Install to continue.

3.Thirtyseven4 Mobile Security is installed and it displays an Application installed screen with Open and Done button.

4. Thirtyseven4 icon is displayed in All apps.

5.After Taping on Thirtyseven4 Mobile Security icon, Thirtyseven4 Mobile Security is opened.

6.License agreement is displayed.

7.Tap on I Agree to go to Activation screen

8.Tap Activate.

9.If you have Internet access on your Android phone, please select Using Internet option. In case you do not have Internet access on your Android phone please select Using SMS option.

10.Enter 20 digit valid Product Key.

11.Tap Next button.

12.Please provide basic information as required.

13.Tap Submit button.

14.Registration will be successfully completed. The expiration date of your license will be displayed. In case of Registration using SMS, you will receive a notification about the registration status in the notification bar of your Android phone.